Hi, Rafaella,

looking at the results for Slovenian (sl) I see 1 error, but do not
understand it (besides that some tests report: "failed", so are there
additional errors not explained?).

Here is a snippet from the Slovenian part of the report, please explain the
error to me as I do not understand it:

10 strings found in sl/localize.sdf for -m sw -f source.ui.utlui.poolfmt.src
Entry double for LANG=sl in file sl/localize.sdf
sw    source\ui\utlui\poolfmt.src    0    string
STR_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE_BASE                0    sl    Naslov
20110324 13:31:50
sw    source\ui\utlui\poolfmt.src    0    string
STR_POOLCOLL_DOC_TITEL                0    sl    Naslov
20110324 13:31:50
122 strings found in sl/localize.sdf for -m sw -f
source.ui.utlui.poolfmt.src -g STR_POOLCOLL_.* -l .*

It would help if the test would also list the original English entry. In
this case the problem is because both strings are the same? What if in a
given language two different English terms use same word? What is the
original English text (I should probably check the Slovenian sdf).

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