Am 03.11.2015 um 01:23 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:

> I have no idea of the frequency of that situation.


On the user forum it occurs several times per month.
The list box of availlable JREs should not include 64-bit JREs.
It should have a label such as "Suitable 32-bit Java Runtimes on this
system:" plus an additional [Help] button, tool-tip and everything that
helps to resolve the situation without asking someone else for help. As
far as I know, help contents are partially platform specific anyway.
I don't know if possible, but there should be a one-click hyperlink to a
32-bit JRE. The official Oracle link to a manual download goes as far as

Oh, and I suppose it should (and could) be an ordinary list box without
any radio buttons.

This is a localized version (/de/ German) of the manual download page
where the user needs to know that the second link [Windows Offline] is the one
to download but NOT [Windows Online] and NOT [Windows Offline 64-bit].
Of course, the BundleID changes with every Java update.
And yes, this is Java8 and it works well although AOO specifies Java7.
IMHO, a hyperlink on a help page leading to the English together with a localized
hint to download and install the 32-bit JRE labeled "Windows Offline"
could improve the situtation.

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