Hi everyone,

I was trying to build a DEV300_m106 on Linux lately and got the
following make error when it comes to build vcl:

R=/home/sxw/work && S=$R/DEV300 && O=$S/solver/300/unxlngi6.pro && W=$O/workdir 
&&  mkdir -p $O/lib/ && /bin/cp --remove-destination --force 
--preserve=timestamps  $O/lib/libicule.so 
/bin/cp: missing destination file operand after 
Try `/bin/cp --help' for more information.
make: *** [/home/sxw/work/DEV300/solver/300/unxlngi6.pro/lib/libicule.so] Error 

I found out that the cp command is issued in solenv/gbuild/Deliver.mk and one
of the two variables $(1) is empty.  Unfortunately I don't know
make that good to debug this issue any further.

Maybe one of you can shed some light on this?


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