i think all containers actually hack this part since it doesn't match the
need when you are just a little bit bigger than tomcat.

today almost all apps scans (even spring ;) so would be great to get a
nicer scanner.

*Romain Manni-Bucau*
*Twitter: @rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau>*
*Blog: **http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/*<http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/>
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2013/6/14 Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>

> On 14/06/2013 03:31, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>  It might be nice if this were not a one-of-many decision, but if a
>> client could choose more than one type. A bit-mask or a list of
>> scan-types would be nice. I could see the same type of scanner being
>> used for multiple different purposes.
> That is what ServletContainerIniiializers are for.
> They only handle class files but the other types (e.g. TLDs) are always in
> known locations and are inexpensive to find. The expensive bit is scanning
> all the classes and SCIs provide a mechanism to do that only once for all
> interested parties.
>  Another option would be to have a scanner that would scan for everything
>> and then notify registered listeners. If you only care about TLDs, you
>> just register a TLD listener. For classes, you register a class listener.
>> A listener-based scanner would even open the doors for a webapp to be
>> able to register its own listeners to sniff scanner events during
>> context startup.
> That is exactly what SCIs do.
>  I know this all sounds way over-engineered, but there are quite a few
>> webapps that, when they first launch, go ahead and scan the entire
>> reachable class loader hierarchy for classes with annotations, etc. so
>> you get this environment where the same classes are being scanner over
>> and over and over again just because they have to be scanned in
>> different places for different reasons.
> Then the libraries doing the scanning need to be updated to use the
> container provided scanning mechanism that is already in place.
>  I spoke with David Blevins about this way back in Vancouver:
>> applications that endlessly perform JAR scanning just because the
>> components can't seem to coordinate with each other.
>> If there were a scanner component that could allow these unrelated
>> components to share infrastructure, we could all save a lot of time.
>> Such a scanning component could, much like the Digester, graduate from
>> Tomcat and become more widely useful.
> I really don't see the need for this at all given that SCIs are available.
> If there are use cases that SCIs don't meet then extending SCIs is the way
> to go so the same feature is available in any container.
> Mark
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