On 14/06/2013 09:28, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
SCIs are too webapp linked to be usable by others,  that's the point
> so it needs to be proprietary ATM

If the problem you are trying to solve is JAR scanning outside of the Servlet container then that - frankly - isn't a Tomcat problem. Tomcat is concerned about scanning for classes and annotations within a web application and the standard API for that is an SCI.

SCIs are just an interface so if a broader scanning solution was available (either in Java EE or Java SE) then that broader solution could be taken advantage of either directly in Tomcat or by whatever product was embedding Tomcat.

If TomEE has a broader solution and it could be easier to plug the results of that into Tomcat so make them available through the SCI interface then present some concrete proposals on changes to make the scanning more pluggable and they'll be considered.

 + SCI doesn't scan eveything (thinking to cdi
you cannot guess a bean is a cdi one before having analyzed it).

SCIs don't scan anything. SCIs are merely the interface through which clients declare their interests and the servlet container passes back the results. It is certainly the case that every class has to be scanned if a @HandlesType is present on any SCI.

If you are saying that CDI implementations need information that isn't available though the SCI interface then that is something that needs to be raised with the Servlet EG.


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