On Wed, 07 Oct 2009 15:19:55 +0200
Martin Hollmichel <martin.hollmic...@sun.com> wrote:

> All,
> I got a request to do some funding for a Windows build bot (to be
> funded be the OOo project, not by Sun as my mail adress suggest).
> build bots are now integrated in the EIS and are of invaluable help
> for development and QA.
> I can think of several scenarios:
> [...]
> fast developer machine: windows server allowing up to five 5 users, 
> allowing remove building and debugging for developers with no windows 
> access, several build bot instances (i have no real idea for the 
> estimated hosting and license costs).
> Two questions:
> * what are our real demands and requirement for such a thing.
> * is there anyone volunteering for collecting real prices and costs
> for the various scenarios and maintaining the resulting setup ?

IMHO, mixing buildbots and debugging on one machine is just asking for
trouble. If there is a need for both and funding is available those
should be two separate boxes (or at least two separate virtual boxes).
I know it might be tempting for licensing reasons (*) to use just one
machine, but I really think it wouldnt work in practice.

Best Regards,


(*) BTW: Are there even CALs available for Visual Studio?
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