
finally I come to the following proposal:

1 virtual machine running a Windows7 64bit instance with Visual Studio Standard installed for the Windows tinderbox. 2 additional virtual windows machines available for Developers, with the Express Version installed. In case we discover that we need more parallel sessions available, we consider the installation of Windows Server. the Virtual Boxes will be hosted on a Quad Core, 12 GB RAM machine in a data center

any comments ?



Martin Hollmichel wrote:

I got a request to do some funding for a Windows build bot (to be funded be the OOo project, not by Sun as my mail adress suggest). build bots are now integrated in the EIS and are of invaluable help for development and QA.

I can think of several scenarios:

minimal buildbot: a virtual windows (home) instance on some already existent hardware plus a MS Compiler professional license (estimated cost: ca. 1000 € once).

fast build bot: windows box on bare iron or virtualized in a hosting center with good bandwidth for providing install sets (my estimated extra costs: ca. 1200 € per year extra)

fast developer machine: windows server allowing up to five 5 users, allowing remove building and debugging for developers with no windows access, several build bot instances (i have no real idea for the estimated hosting and license costs).

Two questions:

* what are our real demands and requirement for such a thing.
* is there anyone volunteering for collecting real prices and costs for the various scenarios and maintaining the resulting setup ?


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