On 3/6/07, Henning P. Schmiedehausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Nathan Bubna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

My vote is reluctantly +1, because the "I want to get it out" weights
more for me than the issues that I have found:

>> BTW: Strictly spoken are the references in the POM wrong because they
>> should not reference .../branches/VELOCITY_1.5_BRANCH/ but
>> .../tags/VELOCITY_1.5/

>They aren't wrong unless/until we do further dev on the branch, in
>which case, we should do a 1.5.x release.  So, it hardly matters.

Yes, it does. If we do further development, then trying to rebuild the
site from the release package will give different results. Which
probably does not matter much, but it would matter to me.

i don't see why rebuilding using the source in the release would
produce a result different than itself.  and what does the site have
to do with this?  just trying to understand...

IMHO we will at least have an 1.5.1 to fix the issues listed below:

>> This means that rebuilding 1.5 from source will actually be difficult,
>> once we think about 1.5.1. This is my bad and I intended to fix it
>> before the 1.5 release; however Nathan CfV'ed before I returned from
>> holidays and the voting period is already over.

>Not too late to vote.  72 hours was the minimum voting period.  I'm
>managing this release, the vote is over when i send a result.

Uhm. Don't tempt me. While I'm fed up with delaying and want to have
that bugger out, here is what I've found:

a) The link problem with the maven site. I have a patch for the guides which
   will go into trunk shortly.

b) The checksum thing. Fixed on the trunk

c) The package build thing (restrict on 1.4). I've put a patch on the trunk
   which might need more discussion.

d) The POM references to the branch, not the tag.

Considering the fact that Will -1'ed the last release attempt for a
documentation issue, personally I'd weight at least d) much more than
that. However, I believe that we can release a 1.5.1 4-6 weeks after
1.5 to amend that, so I will not block this vote.

thank you.  it's about time we stopped fretting over minor issues in
the build and documentation.  the goal is always perfection, but the
requirement is merely high quality (especially, higher quality than
the previous GA release, which we achieved ages ago).

I would very much suggest that we target the next tuesday for the
official release announcement. This gives us and the mirrors a few
days to get our acts together.

Will or you can do the official announcement whenever you like.  in
the meantime, i'll do the result, the push to the mirrors, and the
site update ASAP.

Lets push this out. Now!

        Best regards

Henning P. Schmiedehausen  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] | J2EE, Linux,             |gls
91054 Buckenhof, Germany   -- +49 9131 506540  | Apache person            |eau
Open Source Consulting, Development, Design    | Velocity - Turbine guy   |rwc
                                                                          |m k
INTERMETA - Gesellschaft fuer Mehrwertdienste mbH - RG Fürth, HRB 7350    |a s
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Buckenhof. Geschäftsführer: Henning Schmiedehausen |n

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