On Jan 11, 2008 11:53 AM, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I *still* haven't heard one single technical argument against using
> annotations apart from Igor's concern that we would need to scan the
> classpath.

You could turn that around just the same. I haven't heard a good
technical argument in favor of it.

> Seriously all the "I don't like annotations" arguments are getting stale.

The main concern vented in this thread by several people is that we
should only introduce annotations if it leads to some big advantage. I
don't see what is wrong with that attitude. In fact, I think it is
very similar to our overall approach to API development.

You could easily go ahead and implement a separate annotations library
though. For those who would prefer that, it could be a nice extra. For
the core project however, we should be conservative. I personally
believe that one of the reasons why JEE ended up with a zillion of XML
heavy projects was because many developers liked this new shiny tool
that XML was a few years ago, and first thought of XML for solving
their problems (even if that meant finding 'problems' first), rather
than considering whether a plain Java alternative would be
appropriate. We should not make the same mistake with annotations.

My 2c,


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