> <snip>
>> No I am not asking for continuous testing. I am asking that if people
>> really care about the hardware support they get in the muck and do
>> just a little of the work in an organized fashion. Put together a Mac
>> SIG that focuses on getting the best experience on the hardware. Send
>> some QA people newer Macs. Otherwise how do people know that it is
>> really important to you versus "I have 4 minutes on the internet so I
>> can send a complaint email" important. Because at this point that is
>> all this looks like.
> So, I can't say that the problem is more systemic than what you describe
> without making it seem like I'm "sending a complaint email". Let me know
> if you want a list of hardware enablement I've done on Macs over the years.
>> For example, in the past 4 years the ARM builders have been nothing
>> but a pain in the ass, but they are kept going because there are
>> people who banded together and do a lot of the work. Yes there are the
>> various people who show up and expect XYZ board to be magically
>> supported but there are still a lot of people who show up, test the
>> bugs on what they find important to them and those boards get covered.
>> If the Mac is important enough, pick a couple of models which are what
>> you are going to focus on and season the pot.
> Apples and oranges. There's no installer on ARM. There's no need to wipe
> all your data on a desktop system that you have one unit of.

Yes, there is, we support anaconda just like on all the other arches.
It's not as widely used as people like to just consume the disk images
but it is supported and tested across a wide range of boards. We're
even working on adding CI to do this across a lot of boards on a
nightly basis.

> The *installer* breaking is a very different proposition to whatever piece
> of software breaking. We don't release updated installers. Making it 
> uninstallable
> means people will just not use any of our software. And it's even worse
> when 1) it was supported and working 2) it probably worked better than
> most other distributions.
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