On 04/04/2018 09:21 AM, James Hogarth wrote:


> Can we please get some consistency here?
> I noted today that firewalld has dropped python2-firewall but of course
> ansible isn't switching to py3 for the controller (and therefore local)
> until F29 and not all python modules are py3 compatible yet... and of
> course we ship firewalld as our firewall in fedora.
> This means that in F28 you can't just `yum  install ansible
> python-firewall` and do ansible localhost -m firewalld and have it work.

Yeah, you would need to set ansible_python_interpreter for localhost,
which you could add to your command line with -e...
-e 'ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3'

> Worse is if you bump into a module not ported yet and then you have a split
> of python versions and playbooks required.

Yeah, thats bad, but if there's things that are only python2 as of now,
really the ansible module/you should switch them to some python3

> Naturally there's no technical reason to drop the library in F28 and
> there's no Change filed for it.
Yeah, I guess the only alternative though would be to try dropping them
all at once. :(
> We at least need a "common bugs" with all the python2-* libraries being
> dropped in F28 and really they shouldn't be going without a Change.
> For a "soft despondency" like firewalld I'd argue that it shouldn't drop
> until F29 when ansible goes py3 by default (it has a Change filed to that
> effect).

Well, yes, but that doesn't really tell the entire story, because thats
just the control host. You can continue to use python2 on targets.

> To be clear I'm 100% comfortable with python2 being dropped in the proposed
> timescale... but let's do it sensibly and not have it surprise people.

Yeah, a list/release note would be indeed welcome...


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