On 11/27/2013 03:55 PM, Adrian Byszuk wrote:
>> > Does it keep printing that (it should repeat at ~1Hz), or does it go
>> > into the "disconnected" state immediately after?
> It goes into disconnected state immediately after. Basically screen is
> flooded with these messages.

That could be the Spartan-6 PLL phantom lock "feature". I guess you did
not have the HDMI output enabled on your laptop?
I have added a filter later on the PLL lock output to fix this bug. The
new binaries below should not have the problem.

>> This is weird... Don't you see any other messages before the freeze?
> No, it's just that it freezes suddenly. I've checked this with another
> board and I have the same symptoms. It even freezes much sooner, always
> after 'Executing booted program.' line.

I just tried this exact binary on a board I have and it also tends to be
very unstable, even though it does not crash immediately after startup
here. It could be a ISE timing model/P&R intermittent bug that affected
that bitstream, it happens sometimes...

I have compiled new binaries that hopefully will address both problems
(you need to reflash bios.bin):
I did not trust ISE this time and verified that everything is stable
enough on the board...

Press capital 'D' after videomixer.bin is loaded to enable HDMI
debugging messages. You can also press 'm' to display the memory
bandwidth statistics (it does not do so every second like the old
firmware did).

Additionally, you will find the memtest.bin firmware that you can
netboot to stress-test the SDRAM.


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