I am trying to find out why buteo-syncml does not work with openobex-1.7.
This has been bugging me for the past few years. According to the developer
there are few changes needed to upgrade applications from openobex-1.5 to
1.6 to 1.7.

Upgrading to version 1.7

When using an event loop that triggers on incoming data, you must call
OBEX_HandleInput() after each call to OBEX_Request() to actually send the

I see in buteo-syncml that the mentioned OBEX_HandleInput() is called in a
loop while waiting for input.
My problem is and hence my request here, that there is no debugging log from
the obex transport, because it gets started in a thread by msyncd.

How do I enable debugging for the process started in the thread?

Thank you in advance


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