On 31/07/2020 09:11, deloptes wrote:
> I see in buteo-syncml that the mentioned OBEX_HandleInput() is called in a
> loop while waiting for input.
> My problem is and hence my request here, that there is no debugging log from
> the obex transport, because it gets started in a thread by msyncd.
> How do I enable debugging for the process started in the thread?

I'm not fully clear on whether you're after debugging (e.g. using gdb)
or logging output.

For debugging, you should be able to connect gdb to the running process
(as long as you know the pid) and can then access individual threads
from there. Something like this:

# ps ax -o "pid command" | grep msyncd
 4500 /usr/bin/invoker -G -o -s --type=qt5 /usr/bin/msyncd
 4504 /usr/bin/msyncd
13063 grep msyncd

# gdb -p 4504

(gdb) info threads
  Id   Target Id                  Frame
* 1    LWP 4504 "msyncd"          0xe9bd2da4
  2    LWP 4513 "QDBusConnection" 0xe9bd2da4
  3    LWP 4527 "gmain"           0xe9bd2da4
  4    LWP 4528 "dconf worker"    0xe9bd2da4
  5    LWP 4529 "Qt bearer threa" 0xe9bd2da4
  6    LWP 4531 "gdbus"           0xe9bd2da4

If it's the logging you're after, then the cheatsheet implies increasing
logging for msyncd should also increase it for the plugins, so it might
be worth trying something like this:

devel-su -p
systemctl --user stop msyncd

I didn't test this with OBEX though I'm afraid.

One final point: I think these mailing lists are supposed to be on ice
now, so people may not be following them so much. You might get a better
response at forum.sailfishos.org.

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