On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 10:27:44 +0530, Nitin Mahajan wrote:
> Hello Everyone!
> Iam writing a driver for 69030 card.
> I have to support CIF and QCIF formats.

WHICH 69030?  Surely you must realize that chip numbers are not unique 

If you are talking about the Asiliant 69030, are you aware that a Linux 
driver already exists?  It is a renamed version of the old Chips & 
Technologies 65550, which was supported in XFree86 3.x.


>1. The format says that a frame rate of 30fps is required for both.
>2.Each frame should have
>   a. 144 lines and 176 pixels/line for QCIF.
>   b. 288 lines and 352 pixels/line for CIF.
>Now my interpretation is that the second point above refers to the frame
>size and the driver implementation (video modes)has nothing to do with it.
>Is this interpretation of mine is correct?

I doubt it, but I'm confused by your mixing of graphics and video.  When you 
say a "frame rate of 30fps is required", what are you talking about?  Do you 
mean video coming in through the zoom video port?  Or are you talking about 
ordinary software-decoded movies?  Tells us WHAT you have to support at 
30fps, and perhaps we can offer suggestions.

>Second question is that, how do I achive the frame rate of 30fps?

30fps for what?

>I have
>programmed the BitBLT engine for the card,but that also puts only 64Kb data
>on screen in on shot,so always I need to divide the Image into 64KB parts.

Are you talking about system-memory-to-video-memory transfers?  I'm surprised 
to hear there is a 64K limitation in any relatively modern graphics card.  
Are you sure about that?

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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