On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 09:59:27AM -0700, Tim Roberts wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 10:27:44 +0530, Nitin Mahajan wrote:
> >
> > Hello Everyone!
> >
> > Iam writing a driver for 69030 card.
> > I have to support CIF and QCIF formats.
> WHICH 69030?  Surely you must realize that chip numbers are not unique 
> industry-wide.

Well, I suppose that's the Asiliant 69030, since no other 69030 I know
of does video grabbing that the CIF and QCIF acronyms seem to suggest.

> >Now my interpretation is that the second point above refers to the frame
> >size and the driver implementation (video modes)has nothing to do with it.
> >Is this interpretation of mine is correct?
> >Second question is that, how do I achive the frame rate of 30fps?
> 30fps for what?

I assume 30fps frame grabbing. That's not possible with these chips in
CIF, in QCIF you may have a chance. The limit is the video memory to
system memory copy speed, which is about a megabyte per second.

> >I have
> >programmed the BitBLT engine for the card,but that also puts only 64Kb data
> >on screen in on shot,so always I need to divide the Image into 64KB parts.

Using the bitblt engine doesn't help unfortunately.

> Are you talking about system-memory-to-video-memory transfers?  I'm surprised 
> to hear there is a 64K limitation in any relatively modern graphics card.  

The 69030 is just a slightly improved 69000, which both are quite
ancient graphics cards.

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs, SuSE CR
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