"Daniel Gibson" <metalcae...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Am 20.02.2011 05:39, schrieb Andrej Mitrovic:
>> No I think what really drives people insane is 20pixel fonts with
>> super-displaced dropshadows.
>> Or websites which hijack your browser and do things like hide your
>> mouse cursor for no reason, disable selection of text, make the back
>> button useless, add useless integrated taskbars at the bottom.
> Agreed.
> Still, the color looks kind of weird to me. But, as mentioned before, I 
> don't really count because I'm partly color-blind anyway ;)
> I like the layout, though. It's simple and clean. Looks kind of retro, not 
> very web-2.0-ish (with rounded corners and stuff), but I like it better 
> this way.

Not being much of a graphic designer, that's about the only way I can do it. 
But I'm a retro/simple/clean/web1.0 kind of a guy anyway, so I guess it 
works out well. :)

Plus, I'm a total product of the 80's - ie, curves and rounded edges are 
like totally overrated ;)

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