>>>AA6YQ comments below

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Dave AA6YQ" <aa6yq@> wrote:

Can you admit that there are people with different points of view
Dave? I'm afraid you can't.

>>>I absolutely can, Demetre. I freely admit that there are hams who 
are perfectly happy to use systems that they know will QRM other 

We can all enjoy our hobby without condemnations Dave. Everything is
acceptable in the hobby OM.

>>>Really? So it'd be okay if someone established a world-wide network 
of automated stations that continuously monitor PMBO frequencies and 
QRM all WinLink messages? Everything is acceptable, right?

>>>I suspect that what you really mean is "Anything I want to do is 
acceptable in the hobby OM". But of course anything that interferes 
with what you want to do is unacceptable -- like requiring unattended 
stations to listen before they transmit.


        Dave, AA6YQ    

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