--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Walt DuBose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont think that anyone believes that you can completely kill off 
the Internet 
> in its entirity; however, certainly certain sections/rather large 
> areas could loose connectivity for several hours even for perhaps a 

Most of the time I just sit and "read the mail".  This time however I 
feel I should add some fuel to the digital fire.

I refer specifically to a Pandemic Flu event.  Do not make any 
assumptions that there will be electricity, fuel, or for that matter, 
food and water.  At any time during an 18 month period, the CDC says 
that 30% of all people IN THE WORLD will be unable to work.  In the 
US, schools will close, which means that those 2 job families, will 
lose income, single family homes will have to stay home to care for 
children.  There may be gas, but will there be people to run the 
stations, deliver the gas.....  How long can our infrastructure which 
is typically maintenance intensive, stay up.  The World Radio 
magazine ran an article in the November edition,written by me, which 
gives more details.  As a resident of the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, 
and experienced Katrina, the generators for cell towers, and our 
local repeaters, had locks cut, and the fuel stolen, thus, the ones 
that did survive the were made inop.  Some of the nationally 
recognized agencies "confiscated" frequencies involving health and 
welfare traffic and ops were "ordered" to cease transmitting.

Enough history.  We have to be able to transmit rapidly, efficiently, 
and with confidence that the messages will be received, and 
delivered.  Without electricity, or fuel, we have to think non fosil 
means of battery recharging (solar/wind/hand or foot crank 
generators).  We also have to figure out how the message traffic will 
be delivered (bicycle, walking) while limiting exposure to other 

Enough bandwidth.  Just a reminder, don't limit your preparation, 
response and recovery to just physical catastrophies.

Don Rand

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