I don't mind testing 3.1.1a against a real windoze system that works with
the current version of authoxy... if you want to... Won't be until Monday

Apologies to Steven, I haven't had a chance to get back to the tcpdumps
but it looks like Heath is way way ahead anyway!!


PS Heath, do you test against Samba?

>I completed those changes this morning, and my fairly superficial tests
>(again, I'm lacking a real Windows NTLM proxy for proper testing!) have
>passed. I am now interested to see how the changes go for you next
>I'm hesistant to have multiple versions floating around, so I'll attach
>the modified version of Authoxy in a private email to you Steven. I've
>just marked the interface "Version 3.1.1a" with the 'a' indicating the
>modification. For those so inclined, I decided to commit the changes to
>the sourceforge repository, so you can have a look and even compile
>your own copy.
>The modifications are to AuthoxyDaemon.h and NTLM.c bringing both of
>them up to revision 1.2.
>What better way to get over a Saturday morning hang over ;)
>On 17/09/2004, at 9:24 PM, Steven Stratford wrote:
>> Heath--
>> That sounds like a great plan. I must say I've learned way more about
>> and TCP dumps than I ever wanted, although it's been interesting. Sure
>> would
>> be helpful if MS clearly documented their protocols instead of making
>> people
>> reverse-engineer and make educated guesses... Anyway, I look forward to
>> giving it a shot next week sometime (Monday at the earliest when I'm
>> in the
>> office). Thanks for all your help!
>> [I've written some software myself and I know how sometimes even the
>> smallest little thing has to be bought with a huge price of time and
>> effort,
>> sometimes on the part of several people, so I really appreciate what
>> you,
>> Bruce, and others are doing here to help track this down.]
>> --Steve
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>|   Heath Raftery    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         |
>|   HRSoftWorks      <http://www.hrsoftworks.net>                    |
>|                                                                    |
>|   *The search for a new personality is futile; what is fruitful is |
>|     the interest the old personality can take in new activities*   |
>|                                     _\|/_                          |
>|____________________________________m(. .)m_________________________|

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