Followup to my own message:

I tried with nothing entered in the Bypass Proxy settings. Same old same


On 9/14/04 8:13 AM, "Steven Stratford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9/13/04 7:48 PM, "bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We tested this this morning... had to use wdn/username with an older
>> version of MSIE under OS9... wouldn't work otherwise.
>> In order to connect to the student server WEB site using Safari
>> I had to use wdn/username as well. This is different to the
>> authentication process that is needed to connect to the proxy. Can't
>> remember which was around that is and can't test because I am currently
>> outside the network but I seem to remember it was the same for Safari
>> but under IE a separate Windows Domain Name option popped up.
>> Just to review our settings for AUTHOXY...
>> ..The Authoxy proxy -> settings are JUST username password
> Yes
>> ..Prompt for credentials is NOT enabled
> Yes
>> ..Remote Proxy Details are
>> ..Use this server -> Port 80 Note the use of the IP address
>> ..not a name that must be resolved. Your address will be
> Yes,
>> ..Authoxy in this case is set to run on port 8080.
> I am set up for 8081, just to be sure there's no conflict
>> ..By the way  under normal use we don't write debugging info.
> Right
>> The NTLM section
> Yes
>> ..Just the Windows Domain Name - in our case "curriculum"
> Main
>> ..Host/workstation (again yours will be
>> Thats all for authoxy
>> In your NETWORK settings -> TCP/IP, you will be using Manual IP address
>> from memory 10.2.0.x where x is neither 1 nor 2 !!!
> My fixed IP address is
>> the mask should be, or perhaps, try the first one.
>, I'll try delay
>> The router will be
> Yes
>> TAKE OUT THE DNS ENTRY all together..
> OK...same delay (each time I change something in Authoxy I am stop/starting
> it, each time I change Network I am "apply"ing)
>> OR try putting before the DNS entry of
> Same delay
>> OR deleting
> Same delay
>> I agree with your Admin chap. this does and has always sounded like
>> a DNS timeout, but why and whats causing it is the question because
>> at this stage, you shouldn't be interacting with a DN server.
>> Just as a matter of interest, is your domain name server (
>> a Windows or Unix/Linux machine. This is important if the Windows
> Windows
>> Name Server is trying to validate your name and update itself ( a stupid
>> and dangerous windows option that everybody else bans) and the updating
>> process is trying to check to see if you have already authenticated before
>> you have actually successfully authenticated... In this case I
>> would take out your link to the domain name server altogether and if
>> necessary put a domain name server from the outside world in its place.
>> This action by definition will force all DNS transactions out through the
>> proxy
>> server which is what you want. Try in the DNS entry...
> With the outside DNS server, the delay persists, but it still went through
> OK. Which actually I was surprised at that, because I thought all IP access
> was proxied for us, including DNS... I'll check on that.
> --Steve
>> this is a large main DNS server within the major Telecoms company here in
>> Australia and should be fast enough to test with. A local one will
>> be quicker but only by a few millseconds assuming that the piece of wire
>> between the US and Australia is intact!!!
>> Must get back to work.
>> Cheers,
>> Bruce.
>>> If I use MBBC/username, the authentication does NOT go through. If I just
>>> use username, it goes through, albeit with a delay. Successful
>>> authentication or not, there's a delay at Step 2.
>>> Is it possible that Authoxy is not reading my "bypass these domains"
>>> settings (one of which is 10.2.0.*) in the Network control panel for part of
>>> Step 2, and it's waiting for some non-essential connection (DNS?) to occur,
>>> and when the connection times out (120 seconds), it just proceeds on with a
>>> successful proxy connection? My DNS server is (specifically entered
>>> in my Network control panel), and the proxy server is My sysadmin
>>> said it sounded like a possible DNS server timeout.
>>> It's curious that almost anything entered in the NTLM window for Domain
>>> (even something nonsense like "lklkjlkj") will still allow a successful
>>> proxy connection, as long as it's not blank. If Domain _is_ blank, I get "No
>>> authentication challenge in NTLM authentication Step 4. Giving up."
>>> Host/workstation seems totally irrelevant, whether blank or not blank.
>>> OK that's enough sleuthing for today, gotta get back to work.
>>> --Steve
>>> On 9/12/04 5:48 AM, "bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Using Safari, the girls at our school have to login using the following
>>>> format,
>>>> WindowsDomainName/UserName
>>>> password
>>>> Is this the format that you are using?

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