Brice Burgess schreef:
> Ladies and Gentleman of the jQuery,
>   ...errr, more so the Gentleman...
> I am happy to bring you jqModal r7, codenamed "listen". R7 is a major 
> feature enhancer, and brings about some API changes and parameter 
> reduction. I recommend upgrading & porting your existing code to the new 
> version... well worth the added flexibility // maintaining support.
> Plugin Page;
> I've updated the examples, and included a demonstration on overriding 
> alert() + confirm() dialogs.
> Here's what has changed;
> ---
>   +  Added $.jqmShow, $.jqmHide to manually hide/show dialogs
>   +  Added $.jqmAddTrigger and $.jqmAddClose to bind show/hide to elements
>   +  Added onLoad callback (called after ajax return)
>   +  Added support for handling multiple dialogs @ once across ALL functions
>   -  Removed auto-fire parameter, replaced via $(e).jqm().jqmShow()
>   -  Removed $.jqmClose()
>   -  Removed "wrapClass" parameter, updated base CSS
>   *  CSS z-index value takes priority over "zIndex" parameter
>   *  Triggers can hide, show, or hide AND show jqModals
>   *  Overlays+IE6 iframe are now fixed positioned - support for ie6 
> quirks + standards mode
>   *  Internal Improvements, no event data
> Well, I guess we now have the EXT widgets to look forward to :) .. but 
> the good news is that I was able to accomplish all these changes in < 
> 120 bytes -- so we're still looking at a < 3k full featured dialog plugin.
> Enjoy,
> ~ Brice
> _______________________________________________
> jQuery mailing list
may i say wow :)

At first the hourglass cursor threw me off with the modal example but 
it's a nice find to show the underlying page is inaccessable.

And your code still looks so clean. even the css is clearner than before 
or is it just my imagination.

Nice work.

David Duymelinck

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