On 16.02.2016 15:20, Paul Moore wrote:
On 16 February 2016 at 14:14, Wayne Werner <waynejwer...@gmail.com> wrote:
I've learned that *usually* linux distro repos lag way behind in updating
their Python packages, so unless I *can't* install the package via pip,
that's what I do.

that's how distros work. They provide a stable set of packages which is known to work together. Updates are limited usually to bug fixes and security updates. Distros do provide updated packages using e.g. backports or e.g. software collections. Distros rely themself on a stable python, a lot of system software already is written in Python.

Yeah, and that's what I'd count as an issue between you and your
distro. If they don't provide sufficiently up to date versions for
you, and you choose to deal with that in whatever way you prefer,
that's fine by me.

It depends what you are interested in. A Java developer probably will never update python modules and just use what it available, while you would not update Java libraries. Substitute Java with whatever you are not that interested in.

I don't see why the Python community shouldn't provide a solution that
you can use in such a situation, simply because it's not the solution
your distro would prefer you to use.

Sure, however I gave examples what can go wrong, and best thing, it would be good to see these addressed, or at least given better diagnostics if something goes wrong.

Of course, to my knowledge I've never replaced a system installed version
of anything. Though, considering I've been using Python3 since it was available
and most distros use Python 2, that may not really be saying much :)

I thought the distro "hands off" rules applied even to adding things
to system-managed directories, not just to overwriting files?

yes, you can do this, and usually each distro at least includes some locations to install such things, usually in /usr/local, some in /opt.

For Debian/Ubuntu you can install additional modules into


Yes, this *can* break system installed modules. But it allows you to distinguish what was installed by the system, and what by yourself.

And it doesn't get in the way with a python configure with just ./configure.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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