What you really need is to use the formfield_callback argument to
form_for_instance.  This allows you to override the default fields
that are returned for a given field in the model [1].  There is an
open bug, [2], that will allow for an easier way of overriding the
queryset that is ultimately rendered as the options.  Until then you
will just need to subclass ModelChoiceField and re-implement the
choices property to use a custom queryset that does the filtering you
are describing.

[2] http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/4787

On Nov 1, 3:15 pm, rm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this is a painful subject.  I have spent a couple of days
> trying to figure this out, and I am almost there. (I think. :)
> Here is the model (simplified to bare bones):
> class away(models.Model):
>     contact = models.ForeignKey(Contact, verbose_name="Name of person
> away", limit_choices_to= {'is_staff':True}, db_column='contact')
> As you can see Contact is another model being referenced here which
> has a field named "is_staff" that I want to use to filter out some
> contacts so that they do not display as options in my form to add or
> edit away instances. Unfortunately, the filter seems to only affect
> the way the field is displayed in the admin forms, not on regular
> forms.
> This is how the start of my view to edit away instances looks like:
> def away_edit(request, away_id):
>     aw = get_object_or_404(away, id=away_id)
>     aw_form = forms.form_for_instance(aw)
> When displaying that form the 'contact' field displays as a dropdown
> list, but it includes the choices I wanted filtered out.  So, after a
> lot of searching, I found this post which seems to be addressing the
> same issue:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/cbbf...
> However, I can't make it work.  This is how I have translated the
> advice to my view:
> def away_edit(request, away_id):
>     aw = get_object_or_404(away, id=away_id)
>     aw_form = forms.form_for_instance(aw)
>     aw_form.base_fields['contact']=forms.ChoiceField(choices=[(obj.id,
> obj.name) for obj in  Contact.objects.filter(is_staff=True)])
> When I do that, the form displays correctly and it actually does
> filter out the choices as I want.  But, when I submit the form I get
> an error telling me that "away_away.contact may not be NULL".
> Can someone please explain to me why it gives me that error?

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