
Quite a lot this time, so I'll keep them brief...

Terry, what was that program Paul was noisily playing with;  the signal
generator thingy.  Is that public or something internal to work?

Astro, a file manager for Android.

"Scala is a multi-paradigm programming language designed as a "better
Java" -- building on top of the Java virtual machine (JVM) and
maintaining strong interoperability with Java, while at the same time
integrating functional programming along with Java's object-oriented
programming model, cleaning up what are often considered to have been
poor design decisions in Java (e.g. type erasure, checked exceptions and
the non-unified type system) and adding a number of other features
designed to allow cleaner, more concise and more expressive code to be
written." --

"Xtend is a little language that compiles into idiomatic Java source
code. You can use any existing Java library seamlessly from Xtend (and
vice-versa).  The compiled output is readable and pretty-printed, and
tends to run as fast or faster than the equivalent handwritten Java
code.  It's the CoffeeScript for Java." -- http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/

An explanation of #golang's interfaces from the perspective of a Python

A quick video introduction to the hexaflexagon.  Tim brought a `back of
the envelope' one along last night.

A Milkman's wallet.  Grabs notes simply placed inside it.  I suppose the
milkman had one because he was mainly collecting lots of notes on a
Saturday (interrupting _Swap Shop_!).

Photo of how a Rubik's Cube fits together internally and details of the
six screws in older models for adjusting the springs.

A clear explanation of one way to solve Rubik's Cube.

A quicker, 27.65 second, blindfolded, way to solve it;  give it to
Marcell Endrey.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cw1DSZbESM

InMaps from LinkedIn Labs will graph one's connections, showing the
connections between them and forming clusters.  Handy for seeing which
of your connections could be connected but aren't.  Unfortunately, it
doesn't show order-2 connections;  that would tell me whom I'm not
connected to that are connected to by several of my connections.  (One
may want to untick the "Share" box and limit the sign-in to one day.)

Signing into Chrome syncs your bookmarks, settings, etc., into your
Google account so they appear in Chrome on all your devices.

The simple clean bookmarking site delicious.com started to go down the
tube when Yahoo! bought it, never to recover.  Pinboard looks like a
good, non-free as in beer, alternative with lots of extra features, like
archiving all your tweets for searching.  "One dude in his underpants
somewhere who has five windows open to terminal servers" -- _The
Economist_.  http://pinboard.in/tour/

The shell didn't use to have much built in, that's why expr(1) and
test(1) exist in a bin directory.  Then someone, it smells like a
Berkelyism, decided `if [ ... ]; then' looked nicer than `if test ...;
then' so the `[' hard-link to test was born, along with some confusion;
`man ['.  Today, test is built into bash but must still behave like its
arguments had been parsed as if for an external program.  IMHO the newer
`[[' syntax in bash is to be preferred wherever possible as it parses
differently causing fewer gotchas for the unwary.

Counting seconds from 1970 in a 32-bit signed integer.

Details of how many large web sites are structured to run at that scale.

Cheers, Ralph.

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