> I do worry that TTM is not Linux enough, it seems you have decided that we 
> can never do in-kernel allocations at any useable speed and punted the 
> work into userspace, which makes life easier for Gallium as its more like 
> what Windows does, but I'm not sure this is a good solution for Linux.

I have no idea where this set of ideas come from, and it's a little disturbing 
to me. 

On a couple of levels, it's clearly bogus.  

Firstly, TTM and its libdrm interfaces predate gallium by years.

Secondly, the windows work we've done with gallium to date has been on XP and 
_entirely_ in kernel space, so the whole issue of user/kernel allocation 
strategies never came up.

Thirdly, Gallium's backend interfaces are all about abstracting away from the 
OS, so that drivers can be picked up and dumped down in multiple places.  It's 
ludicrous to suggest that the act of abstracting away from TTM has in itself 
skewed TTM -- the point is that the driver has been made independent of TTM.  
The point of Gallium is that it should work on top of *anything* -- if we had 
had to skew TTM in some way to achieve that, then we would have already failed 
right at the starting point...

Lastly, and most importantly, I believe that using TTM kernel allocations to 
back a user space sub-allocator *is the right strategy*.  

This has nothing to do with Gallium.  No matter how fast you make a kernel 
allocator (and I applaud efforts to make it fast), it is always going to be 
quicker to do allocations locally.  This is the reason we have malloc() and not 
just mmap() or brk/sbrk.  

Also, sub-allocation doesn't imply massive preallocation.  That bug is well 
fixed by Thomas' user-space slab allocator code.


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