Hi David

For a "whole" picture setup, try the links below.


Based on Ubuntu server 10.04 and DSpace 1.8.2 so far.



*Hilton Gibson*
Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator
JS Gericke Library
Room 1025D
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X5036
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758

On 27 November 2013 09:11, David Cook <dc...@prosentient.com.au> wrote:

> Good day, DSpace folks:
> My name is David Cook, and I’m currently running a test instance of DSpace
> 3.2 on Debian 7 with Tomcat7.
> I first encountered DSpace at the start of 2012, but my experience has,
> prior to now, been limited to changing dspace.cfg and the JSPUI templates.
> Now, I’m looking to understand everything a person needs to know to
> install and run DSpace. In time, I hope to contribute back to the codebase
> as well, but I figure one step at a time.
> So here are my first few questions and my assumptions…
> 1)      By default (i.e. Discovery is disabled and there is no OAI-PMH
> cronjob), Solr is only used for statistics, yes? Instead,
> indexing/searching/retrieving metadata is handled by another entity (Lucene
> and/or the database)?
> How do the following commands factor in? Are these commands that
> manipulate the Lucene indexes based on the database? (When Discovery is
> enabled, these commands no longer have any effect, correct? Instead, one
> uses “[dspace]/bin/dspace update-discovery-index” which is the only command
> that Solr API uses to manipulate the Lucene indexes?)
> Create/Rebuild/Delete indexes -> [dspace]/bin/dspace index-init
> Update indexes -> [dspace]/bin/dspace index-update
>                 When I tried using these index-* commands, I didn’t
> receive any errors at the CLI, but nothing seemed to happen in DSpace
> either. That is, there never seemed to be a need to run index-update, as
> the metadata was always up to date.
>                 Index-init didn’t seem to remove indexes either. Or if it
> did, search then defaulted to directly querying the database?
>                 (Related question: How do you add search indexes when
> Discovery is enabled? Or do you need to?)
> 2)      While the usage/search/workflow statistics are being populated
> correctly, the “general” statistics seem to be missing. Every time I visit
> http://localhost:8080/xmlui/statistics or
> http://localhost:8080/jspui/statistics, it says, “There are currently no
> reports available for this service. Please check back later”.
> I’ve run “[dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util -b –r” as a desperate attempt to
> get something, but it doesn’t produce errors or results. I get the typical
> “Created new kernel…Loading from classloader…Using dspace provided log
> configuration…Loading…” messages in the CLI, but that’s it.
> Any tips on how to get these statistics?
> 3)      Finally, is there a time/size limit on the Cocoon cache? Surely,
> manually clearing the cache (either via the CLI or the XMLUI Control Panel)
> isn’t the only way that it can be refreshed?
> If I change the title of an item, it changes everywhere except when doing
> a “browse”. The browse seems to be stuck on the old title until I clear the
> Cocoon cache.
> Any ideas on this one? I suppose a cronjob might be able to do it, but is
> there a way to do it from the CLI which doesn’t involve shutting down
> Tomcat and starting it again?
> I would appreciate any help that any of you can give me. Please don’t feel
> obligated to answer all the questions. I’m just quite curious about them
> all.
> Thanks,
> -David Cook
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