Well Mome, the point I was trying to make was that any effort to re-do the
DXCC list -- something that I do NOT personally advocate, by the way -- over
from scratch will create just as much controversy as retaining the current
list; and possibly (probably) more.  [note:  that means that you two guys
over in GM, you know who you are, can quit throwing stuff at me, I was
speaking hypothetically!]

I was also trying to point out (in the part that got clipped out of the
reply) that many of the odd and unusual -- and suspect -- entities that
exist today could not come into being today under current rules.  So at
least there will be no more (although had the rules not changed, I could
argue for the inclusion of 4U1VIC; actually, I could argue either side of
that one, but it's now a moot point anyway)... and especially none created
due to phony IARU societies, which covers at least 2 of the entities added
since the DXCC 2000 rules went into effect.  'nuff said.

But, if you really want to chew on something, consider this:  Don Miller
W9WNV.  He sure did activate a whole bunch of new ones... only quite a few
never went on the books officially (or were removed after the fact) due to
lack of documentation.  Remember, there was only ONE operation that he
actually owned up to faking; quite a few were accepted, mainly his earlier
endeavors.  It was only his later ones, were suspicions of "cut corners"
came up, that were questioned.

What if... Don ever did come up with the paperwork to prove that some or all
of these "removed" entities weren't bogus, but were legit and he really did
operate from them?  How many "new ones" could be put back on the map?  How
many HR positions would change?

I don't think it will happen... the paperwork, if it ever existed, would be
over 30 years old, some possibly 40 or more.  But if you think about the
ramifications if something ever did turn up...


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mome Z32ZM
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:42 AM
To: DX Chat
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

   OC Ron,
You finaly comme on mine.
This is something I been writing allmost 8 months a go, (I think subject
like KH8ZM or so).
Then everyone go against me, but now  repeating mine questions, posible
answers etc......NEVERMIND.

I think its about the time that DXAC members must seat-down and clear up the
DXCC (delete OR add entities) for quite
long period, OR the mess will continue?!?!?!

CU in the Z7 & Z9 pile-up's :)
All the best & Have nice day!
Stay Tuned & GL on SIX !!!
73  GL&DX!!!    de: Mome - Z32ZM

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

> Well, here's the thing:
> Many won't survive.  BS7H certainly wouldn't.  What about Scotland, Wales,
> and the rest of the non-England parts of the UK?  Desecheo?  Navassa?
> Sable?  Ducie?
> What about the "special" cases:  The Spratley's?  Do you keep the UN Hq?
> so, what about the Council of Europe HQ?  The Vatican?  SMOM?  ITU Hq?
> about the UN Vienna?

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