At 11:11 12/21/2011, Ryan Jairam wrote:
It is apparent that some don't realize the massive costs of a major
DXpedition. It's not simply two guys taking a boat with a rig and a
wire antenna. Some of these operations cost tens or even hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

Or as some have opined for an upcoming attempt, even $1M.

Which raises the question:  Who should eat the cost?

My answer is:
The DXers should eat the cost of their personal expenses like food and minimal lodging.
Ridiculous lodging like $300 per bed night at Sable is a different matter.
The DXers should also contribute something to the general expenses of the trip.
But the bulk of the remainder should be born by clubs/foundations and the deserving.
If Heard will cost $1M and generates 100K QSOs, that is $10 per QSO.  Are the
deserving really willing to pay that? And if not, who will? I can't imagine 20 DXers
ponying up $50K each.   Is the day of the DXpedition to remote rocks over?

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     Programming since 1959
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