Hi think that's a great way of looking at things, Tom 

I thought that the 7O6T guys did an amazing job before I saw your analysis, but 
I guess that figure really hammers home quite how incredible their QSO rate 
was.  I bet they slept for a week when they got home.

I suppose the counter argument to judging a DXpedition simply by number of QSOs 
is - as others have suggested - where those QSOs came from, hence the point 
from our friends across the Atlantic that the 7O6T team apparently didn't look 
to maximise band openings to North America (and elsewhere) - whereas Neville 
G3NUG told me that working the hard-to-work paths was specifically a goal of 
T32C, possibly partly (along with other factors) explaining the lower QSO rate

As you say, it all depends on the objectives of the Dxpedition and as Benjamin 
Disraeli alluded, interpretation of statistics can be dangerous 


Dave G0OIL
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tom Wylie 
  To: list...@ve1dx.net 
  Cc: NJDXA DX Chat 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?

  One of my personal yardstick of the "goodness" of an expedition is NOT the 
total number of QSOs made
  as that depends entirely on the number of operators, stations and the duration
  but I like to look at the TOTAL QSOs made by the NUMBER of OPERATORS and the 
NUMBER of DAYS taken into account


  Call        Total QSOs      No of Operators     No of Days      No of QSOs 
made per operator per day

  T32C            213006            38                30                186
  D68C            168591            32                20                263
  HK0NA           195292            27                27                267
  7O6T            162029            17                15                635

  I guess it all depends on the objectives of the expedition

  work uniques??
  work down to the third and fourth tier?
  max out the QSOs?

  etc etc.

  Its just my way of looking and comparing things


  On 05/06/2012 19:54, Paul M Dunphy wrote: 

        G7VJR's point of view (ClubLog creator and T32C participant): 


    73, Paul VE1DX 

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