Hi All,

What I do.

I don't create the DVDs for myself, I run the first script, which puts the 
repositories on my hard drive, which I then copy onto an USB hard drive ( 
portable hard drive to some of you guys ), I then copy this onto my other PCs, 
then I add this line to my sources.list file

deb file:/backups/ubuntu dapper main restricted multiverse universe

This way means that you don't need any other DVDs ( other than the install CD 
), everything will be on hard drive

This setup is perfect for me, as I don't have internet access at home.

This will work for ( I think ) all versions that Ubuntu supports, ie Ubuntu, 
Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.

Another thing is that you need ( for Dapper with the above repositories ) aprox 
12Gig of hard drive space.

For the guys who want to create the DVDs, then you need aprox 36 Gigs of space, 
as the scripts create first the repositories ( aprox 12 Gig ) then DVD sized 
directories ( aprox 12 Gigs ) then the ISOs ( also aprox 12 Gigs ) which adds 
up to aprox 36 Gigs.

I only had 20 Gigs on my internal hard drive, so I changed the scripts to do 
the DVD sized directories and ISOs on my USB hard drive

Hope this helps


>>> Oliver Grawert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/02/06 2:38 PM >>>
Am Montag, den 02.10.2006, 14:30 +0200 schrieb Edward Holcroft:

> Is the same thing possible for Edubuntu? Ideally of course, official 
> support for something like this is needed.
as i pointed out in my answer to william, we're bound to launchpad with
the CD building, we use the debian-cd script that already allows to
build on multiple CDs, its a minor change to enable it ...

also note that we offer DVDs for download since the beginning of
edubuntu ...

the current one can be found here:
it contains 3.6G of software from main including all language packs we

(and before the question comes up, maintaining universe DVDs in the
official archive is out of question)


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