Oliver Grawert wrote:
> you can ;)
> my voting against the multiple CD thing goes beyond the shipit issue ...
> to outline the one man effort i do before every milestone release
> (usually alone, somethimes i have one or two community memberts helping
> me) involves at least two nightshifts where i have to work two days and
> two nights in a row to test all variants of all CDs we offer ....
> on:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2006-June/001988.html
Indeed. I see your point.
> be sure we'll discuss it in mountainview in november and i'll bring your
> mail to the table ;)
Cool and thanks. I'll probably be in Boulder, CO at the time of the 
summit. If at all possible I'll try and nip across to Mountain View and 
share my perspective on this issue with the team in person.


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