Keith, KD1E, wrote:

Hold on a second (AS) there Ron :-)  My understanding is that BK, CQ and SOS
are not to be sent with no space but as individual letters complete with the
proper space around them.  Isn't merging the BK or CQ together is just
sloppy sending?


Ya' made me look, Keith:

"SOS" is a prosign with no spaces between the letters. The general public
picked up on it as three letters with a number of suggestions for what they
might mean (e.g. "Save our Souls") but it has no spaces. I know that from
personal experience. I've programmed too many "code wheels" for emergency
transmitters and one thing the FCC engineers used to listen for when
checking them was to make sure there were no spaces. 

You may be right about CQ and BK. I run them together but, looking at
various references on the 'net, I see it both ways. Even the ARRL is
starting to look a little Schizophrenic about the whole thing. Even though
they've always agreed with the Commercial services that a "prosign" is sent
as a single character with no spaces, they are now listing CQ as both a
prosign and an abbreviation and, worse, they show it as a two-character
prosign. That's a contradiction in terms! Elsewhere, the ARRL does not list
it as a prosign but only as an abbreviation. One might ask what is CQ an
abbreviation of? Some say it's a phonetic "seek you" but I've never heard a
single plausible explanation of it as anything other than a prosign. 

As a Ham I heard that ES was an abbreviation for a Latin phrase, but not
speaking Latin I didn't know. Then, when I studied for my Commercial
Radiotelegraph license I found it listed as simply the character for the

So what's the bottom line? To me it's that CW or Morse is a language and,
like most languages it goes through a process of evolution and change
according to popular usage. And those changes will probably bring anguish to
the purists who remember the "old ways" just as changes in spoken and
written languages of all sorts have done.

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