Brian Olson wrote:

I guess my time in Computer Science land has left me pretty comfortable with the idea that there are lots of problems that are too hard to ever reliably get "the best solution". I don't know if there's a short-short popularizing explanation of how finding a good solution is Hard while measuring the quality of a solution is pretty quick.

If anybody asks and it's not the time, place, or audience for discussing NP Hard problems, I will wave my hands and say, "Hey, look over there! Good results, on my one puny computer! With more it'd only get better!"

I think puzzles and games make good examples of NP-hard problems. Sokoban is PSPACE-complete, and it's not that difficult to show people that there are puzzles (like ciphers) where you know if a solution is right, but it takes effort to find the solution. That's pretty much the point of a puzzle, after all (although not all puzzles are NP-hard; they can be fun even if they're not, as long as they do something for which it's challenging to find a solution).
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