Juho wrote:
The traditional algorithm complexity research covers usually only finding perfect/optimal result. I'm particularly interested in how the value of the result increases as a function of time. It is possible that even if it would take 100 years to guarantee that one has found the best solution, it is possible that five minutes would be enough to find a 99% good solution with 99% probability.

Decrypting ciphered text does not work this way (the results could still be worth 0 after 10 years with good probability). But solving e.g. CPO-STV may well behave more this way (probably one can find an 80% good solution in one minute). Good performance in value/time means that general optimization works (and the method can be considered feasible in practice despite of being theoretically infeasible).

In computer science, you have something called polynomial time approximation schemes (or PTASes). If a problem has a PTAS, then it's possible to get within a factor e (epsilon) of being optimal, in polynomial time, where the solution time for a fixed e is polynomial (but need not be polynomial with respect to e). An approximation scheme that runs in time n^(1 + 1/e) is a PTAS, although it's not polynomial with respect to e.

The equivalent group for probabilistic algorithms is called "polynomial time randomized approximation schemes", and give a result within e of optimal in polynomial time /with high probability/.
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