Gerald Richter wrote:
I will investigate, as time allows, the different Wiki toolkits that are available out there and see if there is anything that looks like being a good fit here.

I suggest, if anybody has any better idea let me know

Ok, looks fine to me. It's a start, unless someone knows of a better Wiki package... so, where to host this?

The following are available: is nice because it's short and simple, and the ".net" suffix has a nice connotation of a "network of people" (I know, I know, .net was supposed to be for ISPs, but that hasn't really held true for a while now). On the other hand is perhaps more descriptive, but longer and maybe a little harder to remember.

Other ideas welcomed. I guess I could host it as a subdomain under one of my existing ones, but I think it would be better and more flexible, and more easily transferred to someone else, if we put it on its own domain. Failing that, how about Do the folks let people do that, when the server is on someone else's IP address? I have no idea. In any case, it should be a domain that is not too tied to an individual, so that it can be passed on easily.

I am happy to register whichever domain is decided on, and host it on my server to get it started. I can also start the documentation effort, as I have time.

Incidentally, wouldn't it be nice to have a Wiki package written in Embperl, and then host the Embperl Wiki using this? Kinda self-referential. I don't really have a good handle on how complex a Wiki package would be. I feel like it's just a content management system with anonymous edits and a database backend, with version control. Probably a lot more to it than first sight, as usual. Does anybody think there's any good reason to roll our own as a showcase for Embperl? Are the other Wikis out there missing something that would be good to have?


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