When i first run enlightenment, screen blanking works fine. In
settings > all > screen > blanking i have "enable screen blanking" and
"use power saving" turned on, and the screen fades out and blanks
after the specified timeout. No other settings are turned on, nor in
the "wakeups" tab.

However.... after some indeterminate time (a few hours?) it stops
working, and the screen will no longer blank. Going back into the
settings and toggling the "enable" option on and off doesn't poke it
back into working again. I've also tried "enlightenment_remote
-restart", and that doesn't start it again either. Enlightenment has
also crashed a few times with the "press F1" error message, and
pressing F1 to restart also does not bring the blanking back. The only
thing that works is to log out and back in again so that gdm restarts
enlightenment. At that point it works again, for "a while".

When the automatic blanking stops, i am able to manually do it with:

xset dpms force suspend

(but i don't get the nifty fade-out enlightenment gives me). I'm using
enlightenment from git, and i just updated today to check if it's any
better (it isn't). Is there a way to figure out what is going wrong,
or if anything else is interfering with the blanking procoess?


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