
In enlightenment (0.25.3 and 0.25.4), and e16 (1.0.24), xdg-open
exhibits strange behaviours;

1. for plain text e-mail in many folders, the command

  $ xdg-open 1

  tries to show it in the default audio player.

2. for pdf files,

  $ xdg-open foo.pdf

  tries to show it in the pmview.exe (= pictuew viewer for Windows,
  works on the wine), then enters an infinite loop and forces a
However, kde-open works correctly according to the settings in the

Furthermore, its xdg-open works fine on Gnome.

I think there is a bug.


┏━━┓彡   Masaru Nomiya                 mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛  "She continues to deeply divide opinion, nearly a decade after her
          death in 2013, due to her policies of privatisation, breaking the
          power of trade unions, and selling off public housing."
                                                      -- World Is One News --

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