-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-51080486-1429...@intm-dl.sparklist.com 
[mailto:bounce-51080486-1429...@intm-dl.sparklist.com] On Behalf Of Brett 
Posted At: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:28 PM
Posted To: swynk
Conversation: Exchange reporting tools
Subject: RE: Exchange reporting tools

#1 Windows does not natively support Perl

So I guess if installing ActiveState Perl on my box is insufficient I'll use my 
Ubuntu box. What is that FUD supposed to mean?

#2 Making a custom report in Perl is much harder then using SQL Code and

Source? Examples? What does that even mean? I can state with 100% certainty 
that for me your assertion is untrue.

#3 Have fun researching and finding help with Perl in regards to
Exchange Metric log crunching.

I still don't know what an Exchange Metric log is, but I'm relatively new to 
Exchange. What would I need help with exactly? Parsing a log file in Perl? It's 
one of Perl's core strengths. Would I need to ask a Perl developer what a log 
field or value meant if I didn't know or could anyone with a working knowledge 
of Exchange answer that? Is a Perl developer going to have a more interesting 
take on message counting standards than a C# developer? Why can't I debate that 
with both?

#4 There is already a user base of people using MS log parser to crunch
exchange Logs, they will help and share their scripts with you. I doubt
you will find this level of support with Perl.

I assume the 'you' here is the generic you. Because I could have a half dozen 
Perl samples in my inbox with a single email.

#5 Again if you want support, help, & samples use SQL and VB, which are
all understood by windows natively.

I've helped build Exchange log parsing tools in Java. Got plenty of support, 
had developers smart enough to understand samples written in other languages 
and I think it was running on some damn Solaris box for all it matters.

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