Science Discovers A Clear and Present Spiritual Danger:  Too Damned much 
“Cognitive Inhibition”.
 So, the practical take-away from this research is that skeptics here suffer 
from “Cognitive Inhibition”. Too damned much “Cognitive Inhibition” evidently 
is a very sad state of diagnosis frequently leading to spiritual depression 
such like we see expressed so often on FFL. More research is needed on this 
condition to be able to protect people from the deleterious effects of this 
dangerous state in their spiritual lives. 
 "A recent issue of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (via BPS 
Research Digest)
 suggests that skeptics possess greater powers of cognitive inhibition. 
 Our brains evidently infer greater meaning from random events in an 
instinctual way. 
 "Cognitive inhibition, that is, suppressing or overriding spontaneously 
occurring mental processes, may thus be the mechanism that, when working 
efficiently, controls our natural intuitions and explains why supernatural 
interpretations seem so natural for some people and yet others find them quite 
 There are caveats involved. In this case, since creativity also relies on 
reduced cognitive inhibition (introducing the mind to new ideas), it's possible 
that believer brain activity was just the creative process in motion. A larger 
lingering question is why (and how) people can shift from believer to skeptic 
and back."
 -Buck, a meditator outstanding in his field.


 To FFL,

 Turquoiseb posts: 

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