Cognitive inhibition is the ability to control inner and outer distracting 
stimuli, thereby making sure that working memory is not cluttered with 
irrelevant information or content. Cognitive inhibition is believed to strongly 
influence, helping to control both sexual and aggressive urges within human 
society. Do you really want us to take these gloves off?

 Scepticism is generally any questioning attitude towards assumed knowledge, 
facts, or opinions and beliefs stated as facts, or doubt regarding claims that 
are taken for granted elsewhere. Scepticism allows one to dig deeper into a 
subject or situation, to reverify facts or to discover conclusions that may be 
in error.

 Most scientists, being sceptics, test the reliability of certain kinds of 
claims by subjecting them to a systematic investigation using some form of the 
scientific method. As a result, a number of claims are considered 
'pseudoscience' if they are found to improperly apply or ignore the fundamental 
aspects of the scientific method. Scientific scepticism may discard beliefs 
pertaining to things outside perceivable observation and thus outside the realm 
of systematic, empirical falsifiability and testability.

 In other words, to be a scientist, whatever you are investigating, the normal 
course is to at first assume that, whatever your hypothesis is, that it is 
wrong, that the null hypothesis - that the effect one is investigating does not 
really exist is true. If you are entranced that the non-null hypothesis is 
true, you have a cognitive bias that may adversely affect your investigation, 
cause you to overlook critical tests that could disprove your thesis. You are 
basically too gullible and trusting to evaluate scientific work. A good 
scientific theory goes through a crucible of scepticism before it is considered 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

 Dear Dear Anartaxius,
 Somehow we must deal with this “Cognitive Inhibition” problem which so 
evidently is at the root of so much skepticism around some certain things so 
good that it obstructs a positive consensus about our history and where we 
could together go.
 I do not wish to force my thoughts upon you or anyone else, but I feel forced 
myself. Little as I know of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I would fain do my part to 
correct the tone and the statements of the newspapers and newsgroups, and of 
our FFL people here generally, respecting his character and actions. It costs 
us nothing to be just. We can at least express our sympathy with, and 
admiration of, him and his companions, and that is what I now propose to do.
  -Buck in the Dome

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