Maharishi lived to put an end to ignorance,
 Maharishi lived to put an end to ignorance,
 Maharishi lived to put an end to ignorance;
 And, his Teaching goes marching on.
 Glory, glory, hallelujah,
 Glory, glory, hallelujah,
 Glory, glory, hallelujah;
His Teaching goes marching on!

 Dear Friends,
Maharishi's ashes are a floatin' in the Ganges,

 Maharishi's ashes are a floatin' in the Ganges,
 Maharishi's ashes are a floatin' in the Ganges;
 And his Teaching goes flowing on.

 Glory, glory, hallelujah,
 Glory, glory, hallelujah,
 Glory, glory, hallelujah;
His Teaching goes marching on!

 -Buck in the Dome

 [ A beautiful illustration and fair updated Paraphrasing of the old John 
Brown's Body text and tune. See full text of John Brown's Body at:

 mjackson74 writes:

 Why don't you just say "Our Lord and Savior Marshy, only through Our Lord and 
Savior Marshy do we come to the Father."

 Buck writes:

 MJ, I can't speak for you or your friends poor or sad experiences.
 I am glad that you can allow for the possibility of my ownsatisfying 
 experience with it all. My experience with the
 Movement and around Maharishi has been one of quite
 spirituality. Possibly though when I began at an early age
 I was
 never enmeshed as a devotee but rather as just a
 practitioner and
 participant that way and not much dependent on the
 organization other than
 for its facilitating meditating and group meditations. All
 along it
 either worked or if it would have not then I would have
 moved on. 
 That may well have been in the nature of my whole Iowa
 different from others background.  But in the
 meantime we all did a
 lot of large and great things with TM. Like dragging
 science in to
 spirituality. As a transcendentalism movement we were
 leaving a foot print on larger culture for all the
 campaigning we did
 at a time out on the front line. It was revolutionary. I
 was glad
 to have been on the 'long march' with Maharishi in
 his time. You
 can't take that away from us for all of your blanket
 carping. We do
 share a brother-hood as transcendentalists and Fairfield is
 still a
 fabulous place to live for its being a meditator's
 place. It's a
 highly spiritual place and the MUM University here is still
 visionary's place to go to school along with others of
 high-mind. I'd go to school there. It is a place and
 organization to be proud of even now.

 would you rather experience: living the paradox or
 understanding it
 to your satisfaction? 

 I am here to plead Maharishi's cause with you. I
 plead not for his
 life, but for his character — his immortal life; and so it
 your cause wholly, and is not his in the least. Some
 hundred years ago Christ was crucified; this morning,
 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was hung again by someone on
 FairfieldLife at
 Yahoo-Groups. These are the two ends of a chain which is not
 its links. He is not Old Maharishi any longer; he is an
 angel of
 light.!Jai Maharishi Mahesh Yogi!   -Buck in the Dome Om 

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