Ah Becca, I wish there were some magic way to ease your suffering and heartache. Thank you so much for posting the pictures of your Angel Paassht. Together with your words about her, they paint a picture of life so full of love, mutual admiration and acceptance. Every single relationship we share is special, some seem to strike a deeper, more vibrant cord than others though, don't they? It's obvious that Paasst was a remarkable individual. I'm so sorry you've lost her physical presence. I can only imagine how crushing the blow is for you to bear. Please in your moments of sorrow, try and remember what a gift the two of you were given in finding each other. She's with you still. I don't know what your beliefs are about these things, but I have an overwhelming feeling that Paassht will return to you in the physical form of another cat. You'll recognize her by those extraordinary eyes. My prayer is that every animal might find the sort of life you provided for your sweet Paassht. There may be dark moments when you question the decisions you made for her, please don't. Everything you did, or didn't do, was prompted from a place of love and respect. You can make yourself crazy playing the "what if" game. We all do it, and it's a game no one can ever win. The present is only a brief moment in time, you and your Angel Paassht share eternity.
Blessings to you in your grief,

Becca DuBose wrote:

Thanks to all for the kind words...it was far too soon to say goodbye to a one-in-a-million cat. I understand now why she was so restless the last few days. I literally couldn't hold her anymore.

Becca & Angel Paassht

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