What a wonderful kennel setup you have and I truly appreciate the detailed 
suggestion.  We live on a military base in Japan and our whole yard isn't even 
the size of your kennel.  I'm not even sure if chain link is something I could 
purchase here.  Maybe if she hangs on until we move back to the states I will 
be able to use your suggestion.
Thank you.

On Sep 18, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Cougar Clan wrote:

> Suggestion:  Fix her a secure kennel outside.  I put up a 12x12x6 foot kennel 
> with a topper (anything, including a tarp, will work.  I used left over chain 
> link).  Daddy had a piece of ductwork fixed so Ebony and Mi Tu could go to a 
> window in a bath, go through a pet door, walk out in the ductwork and down a 
> ramp into a kennel fitted with plastic milk crates and other "toys."   Both 
> cats were FeLV-, healthy and wonderful.  Ebony had been a street cat until 
> about age 3 +.  He became a yard cat then an inside outside cat then he and I 
> moved and he needed to be an inside cat with a play area.  The cost was less 
> than $300 and I rested secure in the knowledge that Ebony (who was getting 
> older) and Mi Tu (who had never lived inside) had a safe place to go.
> If you just let her go you are endangering other cats she may come into 
> contact with.  You may be subjecting her to a painful death too.  If she 
> becomes sick, other animals will prey on her.  I'll leave the details to you. 
>  I don't tell you this to scare you but to be sure you realize what you may 
> be doing.  Dixie was grown when she can into my life.  She was FeLV+ and very 
> alone.  She became a garage cat then a house trailer cat then a two house cat 
> who had everything.  I thought about just letting her go but could not do 
> that to the other cats that depended on me.......nor could I face what might 
> happen to her.  We live in the country with dogs, coyotes, hawks 
> and.....well, you get the idea.
> With a lot of stress-reducers, your little one will adjust.  Actually, 
> getting a companion who is FELV+ may be the best answer.
> On Sep 17, 2010, at 4:33 PM, Melinda Kerr wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I haven't really posted much and I've never actually shared my story.  I 
>> will be brief now and say that I have a 15 month young kitty who is FeLV 
>> positive and receiving Chemo for mediastinal lymphoma.  The problem is, she 
>> doesn't know that she is supposed to be sick.  At this time there are no 
>> outward signs of illness.  She was allowed outside for a couple of hours at 
>> a time, never overnight and always staying close to home.  Now, I try to 
>> limit her to outside time with close supervision.  However, she has started 
>> to push the boundaries and is running and hiding from me.  I know she is 
>> trying to play with me and alleviate some of her boredom.  She spends the 
>> day begging to go out, crying meee ooooutttt, all day long.  She races us to 
>> the door and bites at our ankles to try to get out.  I'm faced with the 
>> decision of "just letting her go" because her quality of life seems to 
>> depend on it.  She is otherwise quite content.  I am leaning toward giving 
>> her more outside time and dealing with the consequences.  Her chances at a 
>> long life are very limited anyway and I feel that I should try to make her 
>> happy.
>> Am I wrong to feel this way?
>> Melinda and Fuji
>> On Sep 18, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bonnie Hogue wrote:
>>> Yes, Natalie.  I have one little lady who is a "rehabilitated feral."  She 
>>> raised a litter of kittens down by the creek.  Some kind people trapped 
>>> them and found homes for thekittens, but no one wanted mama cat.  She's a 
>>> lovely brushed coat calico.  She is sweet as pie, and Never offers to run 
>>> out the door.  The look she gives is, "Been there, done that, don't want 
>>> it!"  She has her quirks (who doesn't?) but is a very loving companion.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Natalie" <at...@optonline.net>
>>> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 5:54 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>> I would advise the same...do not tempt fate by letting him out again.  Use
>>>> some Feliway spray or plug-in to de-stress their/his environment!
>>>> Re: feral cats - 90% of the cats that I trap are feral!  I don't release
>>>> them; all of them adapt perfectly to living indoors - some have absolutely
>>>> no desire to use their outdoor enclosure, they must be so happy to have a
>>>> roof over their heads! Most become tame and are adopted, for some it 
>>>> happens
>>>> too late and they're too old for anyone wanting them - couch potatoes,
>>>> nonetheless!.....Natalie
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
>>>> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Cougar Clan
>>>> Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 8:38 AM
>>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>> Importance: High
>>>> Some will disagree but, if you can, keeping Lucky inside will help
>>>> keep him healthy at his age even w/o the FeLV issue.  There are some
>>>> ferals who hang out at Mom's that are in that age group and I worry
>>>> about them. They can't be touched but are very wonderful cats.  I live
>>>> trapped them to s/n but they would totally stress out in a house.
>>>> Lucky has settled down into a house routine as some other ferals of
>>>> mine have.  Don't tempt fate by letting him out again.  (MHO)
>>>> On Sep 16, 2010, at 11:01 PM, Bonnie Hogue wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, Tanya, that is helpful information.
>>>>> Lucky is between 11 and 13 yrs.  My other cats are: 14, 9 and 7.  I
>>>>> keep my cats _strictly_ indoors.   Lucky would have to adapt to that
>>>>> life, or show me he will stay only in my yard (which, at his age, he
>>>>> might do).  Thanks for the info on IFA -- I will request that.
>>>>> My main fears are(1) food and water dish sharing, and (2) litter box
>>>>> sharing.  I keep one box per cat, but that does not mean each cat
>>>>> uses its own box.  So I suspect there is "box sharing."  And I know
>>>>> that they eat indiscriminately from the dishes.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "TANYA NOE" <sashacatgodd...@yahoo.com
>>>>> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 4:35 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>>>> How old are your other cats? Cats develop some natural immunity
>>>>>> with age. After the age of 1-3 they become less likely to develop
>>>>>> FeLV. If vaccinated and over 3 the risk is there but small. How old
>>>>>> is the cat that tested positive? If under a year there is a good
>>>>>> chance the cats body can rid itself of the virus. I would wait 6
>>>>>> weeks and retest the cat again regardless of age and see if it
>>>>>> still shows positive. You can also do an IFA which tests to see if
>>>>>> the virus has settled into the bone marrow. Once in the marrow it
>>>>>> cannot be eliminated from the body.
>>>>>> I have a 14 year old negative cat and a 2 year old positive cat.
>>>>>> I do not separate them, there is still a small risk allowing them
>>>>>> together but I vaccinate the negative one and cross my fingers. I
>>>>>> don't know if I have ever seen anyone on here post that a neg
>>>>>> turned pos from mixing, again though still a risk.
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> Tanya
>>>>>> --- On Thu, 9/16/10, Natalie <at...@optonline.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> From: Natalie <at...@optonline.net>
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>>>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>>>>>> Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 2:55 PM
>>>>>>> All vaccines are only about 80%
>>>>>>> effective....I really don't have much
>>>>>>> experience with this because I have two very healthy
>>>>>>> FeLV+ cats, living
>>>>>>> separately from others. But I would think that if
>>>>>>> retested, being only a
>>>>>>> "weak positive", maybe the cat will be negative! It
>>>>>>> seems to have been
>>>>>>> really run down, the immune system was definitely
>>>>>>> compromised, fighting an
>>>>>>> infection, fleas....Good luck! Natalie
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
>>>>>>> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
>>>>>>> On Behalf Of Debbie Bates
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:23 PM
>>>>>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>>>>> Bonnie, it got through! Hang in there for just a
>>>>>>> bit....there are many
>>>>>>> extremely well informed members who will have any and all
>>>>>>> information you
>>>>>>> need! I am not dealing with any felv cats, but come
>>>>>>> here often so that I
>>>>>>> stay informed....
>>>>>>> Debbie
>>>>>>> "We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience
>>>>>>> them." - Kahlil
>>>>>>> Gibran
>>>>>>>> From: ho...@sonic.net
>>>>>>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 09:32:46 -0700
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Felvtalk] Fw: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>>>>>> This e-mail got bounced back to me....am trying one
>>>>>>> more time.
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- > From: Bonnie Hogue
>>>>>>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:37 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: New to Feline Leukemia
>>>>>>>> It's a long story, but I'll shorten it...
>>>>>>>> My mom has a "heart cat" named Lucky. She's disabled
>>>>>>> and no longer living
>>>>>>> at home. Her sister was caring for Lucky, but herself is
>>>>>>> unwell and
>>>>>>> struggling. I went over to feed the cats during her
>>>>>>> hospitalization and
>>>>>>> Lucky did not look good. I took him to the vet: bad fleas,
>>>>>>> possible infected
>>>>>>> eye and nose, and tested "weak positive" for feline
>>>>>>> leukemia. This makes my
>>>>>>> plan of integrating him into my 3-cat household a real
>>>>>>> challenge. The vet
>>>>>>> said I could get my three cats vaccinated "providing 80%
>>>>>>> protection"...
>>>>>>> Meanwhile, Lucky is sequestered in the spare bedroom,
>>>>>>> taking antibiotics
>>>>>>> (what a good cat!) and healing. I'm trying to figure out
>>>>>>> how to make this
>>>>>>> work, longer term.
>>>>>>>> Ideas???
>>>>>>>> Thank you!
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