I totally agree, if it last more than 24hr you should take her to the vet to 
get blood work and look at the stool as well.
Best of luck,


Sent from my iPhone.

On Sep 4, 2013, at 13:08, Beth <create_me_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> If it persists more than a day a vet visit would be in order to get him 
> checked out to see what the root of the problem is. If you don't know the 
> cause you cannot properly treat it.
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! www.Furkids.org
> From: "laurak...@aol.com" <laurak...@aol.com>
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 12:51 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] diarrhea
> Hi everyone,
> I joined the group early in the year when I adopted my sweet felv+ kitten, 
> Dani (who turned a year on June 1st :) About three months ago I adopted 
> another felv+ kitten around Dani's age, Pugsly (he looks just like a little 
> pug--upturned nose and big round eyes.)
> Pugsly has persistent herpes flare-ups but got that under control with upping 
> his lysine to 500mg twice a day and he's been pretty much fine. Yesterday, 
> though, I found vomit and diarrhea, which I was able to determine to be his. 
> I noticed he didn't eat yeaterday or today with his usual gusto--it's usually 
> gone in a nanosecond. His stool is pasty and jelly-like. There was a very 
> faint pinkish hue to some of it yeaterday. He is still active but not his 
> usual spazzy self. I started probiotic this morning and hope it will help.
> He is not feverish and is hydrated. Dani is totally fine.
> He also gets NuCat vitamins, two twice a day, and is on a grain free wet food 
> only diet.
> I was going to try some pumpkin in his food...I was wondering what other 
> suggestions there are for treating the diarrhea. I also have slippery elm 
> bark.
> I know I can call my vet and get flagyl or tylan powder but wanted to reach 
> out here first. I just hate giving antibiotics when it's not known if it's a 
> bacterial cause.
> Thanks for reading,
> Laura, Dani and her bff Pugsly
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