On 14-9-2014 16:17, Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>> I was working on the wireprotocol documentation and had some PDF
>> rendering issues. So I looked at the toolset for building documentation,
>> and I noticed that some of it is rather dated (for example the
>> docbook-xsl and Apache FOP).
>> In my local copy I have replaced docbook-xsl and FOP with the latest
>> version. I haven't looked closely at all output yet, but apart from
>> higher memory requirements and more verbose logging it seems to work.
>> I didn't fully solve the rendering issue that triggered this, but it
>> looks like some of the custom XSLs may need some tweaking.
>> I will do some more testing, but is it ok if I replace the files on
>> firebirdsql.org (ALLJARS.ZIP and docbook-stylesheets.zip)?
> No, please don't. One of the reasons that some components are rather dated is 
> that it took us quite some time to get everything working the way we wanted. 
> New versions of the stylesheets, but especially new versions of Apache FOP, 
> have often introduced incompatibilities.

Is there a list of known incompatibilities?

> Is there a special reason that you want to upgrade? Does the new version 
> offer a feature you need, or fix a bug you suffer from? If yes, we can 
> consider it, but we must make sure that the new version builds *all* our 
> manuals (including the Release Notes) correctly in PDF, multi-page HTML and 
> single-page HTML.
> What exactly are the rendering issues you encountered?

I had some issues with specifying the width of columns in a 
segmentedlist as table. A message on the docbook-xsl mailinglist seemed 
to suggest that was fixed in a newer version. Unfortunately that didn't 
fix it, so now I have changed it to a normal table (although it looks 
like the custom stylesheets apply some modifications for html tables 
that it doesn't do for CALS tables).

However if I look at all the changes between docbook-xsl 1.72 (the 
version used by the project) and docbook-xsl 1.78.1 then I am wondering 
if there isn't some other stuff we are missing.

Mark Rotteveel

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