On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 01:14:14AM +0200, Goran Mekic wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 06:39:55PM -0400, glphvgacs wrote:
> > what is the difference between that case and when the rest of the line
> > is *filled-in* by the suggestion engine then? users sees what's to be
> > executed and then hits the enter. i would argue that, in majority of
> > cases, it's safer to run commands from history to run then for the first
> > time since you have already run that command, this is the second time
> > and a quick check should suffice.
> The difference is that if I type <something> and hit <enter> I expect
> <something> to be executed, not
> <something><else-that-autocomplete-thinks-i-should-run>

but you get to read that <suggestion> before hitting enter. just as you
should read what you type before hitting enter because typo's can
happen too. easily and ideally bad suggestions occure less than typos.

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