On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:46:29PM +1000, Ian Munsie wrote:
> > this is from my _very_ first email. let me know which part you don't
> > understand:
> Ok, let's assume for a moment that you are not trolling (I'm guessing
> you didn't follow the link?), I'm beginning to wonder if there has
> been a miscommunication here....
> > so is there a way to have suggestions categorised?
> Are you talking about *AUTOSUGGESTIONS* or *TAB COMPLETION*? The two
> are very *very* different things in fish. This whole time everyone has
> been assuming you are talking about autosuggestions (because that's
> the words you have used), where this:
> > meaning hitting <Enter> will
> > not just accept the suggestion but also execute it.
> Would make ZERO sense whatsoever and be extremely DANGEROUS since
> autosuggestion kicks in after typing even a single character. However,
> if you are actually talking about *TAB COMPLETION*, then it would make
> sense to do that in the menu style of vimperator or pentadactyl since
> that only kicks in when the tab key has been pressed explicitly.
> > that way one could
> > say ok i was history *hits* first then whatever tab-completion would do
> > in other shells
> See, this makes me wonder if you might not even know what the
> autosuggestion in Fish is doing, since it does actually use history
> already, and that's what 99% of us use instead of tab completion.
> The autosuggestion is suggestions from your history displayed in grey
> as you type, which needs to be explicitly accepted with Ctrl+F or
> right arrow (or accepted one word at a time with Alt+F), whereas tab
> completion does not use history and behaves much the same as other
> shells.
> So, which one are you talking about?
> -I

all of the above. plus granularity and control over what gets suggested
first and what comes next and so on.
this would be a rough mapping of what you have in pentadactyl and what
i'm thinking in shell:
history     ->   history
bookmarks   ->   path,executables
and so on.

i don't actually know what feeds auto-suggestions in fish? perhaps only
history? or maybe a *magic* mishmash of history and whatever you get
from tab-completion in other shells. either way what i'm asking is
unrelated to that (but i'm eager to know, so i will read the manual at
some point). it's about having the suggested str available to the user
right away. and have him decide he wants to see first since he should
know better.

incidentally all ^F will do for you is to just change the colour of the
suggested part. how is that a better safeguard? just change the
highlighting order (brighten the suggested part, dim the typed part) and
you have emphasis on "hey this will be executed so you better read it".
anyway i don't wanna continue with the safety argument because it's
nonsense, sorry. and btw, i _never_ suggested for it to be *default*.
of course not, that would be silly.

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