On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 09:24:35AM +0200, Kristian Kjeldsen wrote:
> Esteemed list,
> I remember some time ago i suggested a similar thing, having enter
> auto-accept the suggestion offered by fish(a la Safari), and was
> promptly shot down. I'm glad i ended my tirade early, as my
> humiliation was markedly less than the gentleman this time around.
> I too felt frustrated initially, but as i along with my time with fish
> grew, i've come to realise the wisdom of the elders. 
> I believe what triggers this desire is the fact that the suggestion
> offered by fish is so often right, but what about the use case where
> two similar hits from the command history are used often, currently
> fish will choose one until it gets input that suggests it's the other
> one, potentially with Alt-F to save keystrokes.
> I posit that this is in fact the ideal and optimum way of doing
> things, and i fully expect others to initially feel like i and glph
> did, only to come around eventually. 
> I think the suggestion to have directory context-sensitive suggestions
> from history is fantastic, maybe as simply as storing the context
> along with the history item when acquired, and preferentially choosing
> suggestions from history that match current context.
> Regards,
> Kris

what is *best* to be suggested for each and _every_ user is almost
impossible to know so why not leave that part for the user to decide.
and when you buy a car would rather hear:

- "sir, how fast would you like it to?"
- "sir, we have decided that you're not capable of controlling youself
  going fast so we have decided to give you the optimal speed to drive at.
  enjoy your dull driver."

(i don't even have a driving license so easy on that one)

i think i'm asking for a shell that executes what i think is right the
moment i think it. short of chip implans what i'm suggesting is the
closest we have so far :) you know a better one? lets hear it.

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