Frank (WA1GFZ),

Why don't post your observations/complaints on the Flex Reflector and debate 
them with somebody alot more knowlegable than me. I am user/tester that happens 
to love the new Flex 5K. I'm sure that Frank, Robert, Tim and some of the other 
experts will be glad to debate you on your findings.

73 de
Paul Zora
Port Saint Lucie, FL

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: K3PZ 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:23 PM
  Subject: Re: Flex

  I've been building and testing receivers for almost 40 years and into 
anything new.
  But I have to tell you the Flex software although cool to use is not as great 
it could be.
  I was quite surprised when my old RA6830 outperformed the Flex software while 
the I2PHD was a bit better than the Racal with a stock Dell sound card. I know 
Rob Sherwood and have verified his numbers within a dB on a number of 
receivers. I trust his numbers over anything the ARRL does. Flex would have 
impressed me if they were able to make the IP3 numbers with the preamp on. I 
don't have an attitude problem with Flex at all. 
  I'm just stating real test results. Frank

    First of all you are not bursting MY bubble at all.  I did not design the 
Flex 5K nor do I program PowerSDR. You sound like you have somewhat of an 
attitude problem about the Flex product line? I'm not sure why that may be but 
if you take the time to read the Flex forum you would see some of Rob 
Sherwood's comment that for some reason you don't beleive exist.  Take your 
rant to the Flex Reflector. Here is the URL:

    73 de
    Paul Zora
    Port Saint Lucie, FL

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 3:32 PM
      Subject: Flex

      I hate to burst your bubble but I have been running a homebrew converter 
for almost a year now. I run a stock Racal RA6830 in parallel to compare 
performance. I ran I2PHD software with a stock Dell sound card until I got my 
HPSDR modules. Most of the time the performance was pretty equal but I would 
give I2PHD software a very slight agvantage. When I got the HPSDR boards 
working I was forced to change over to Flex software and all the gates bloat 
that hangs off it. One night a few weeks ago I was on 160 AM and conditions 
were really bad. Then I noticed no audio coming out of the computer speakers 
while the Racal was still making usable audio. I could see signal on the 
display but no audio even after I incresaed the signal into the converter. 
      Yea you put two signals into the converter you do get good close in 
performance but when there is lots of crud coming in the game changes. 
      I think if you did a real test on this stuff you will find there is a way 
to go yet starting with the software falling all over its self....And BTW I 
don't see an update on Rob's site.
      I'm really into SDR but a $3 or $5K radio and a $3K computer is not where 
I'm going anytime soon. I'll stick with my mil toys for now. Frank WA1GFZ

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